
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I grow my own money- Week 10

It's been over three weeks... Three weeks of hard work, tears and joy. I had to take time for myself and my family these weeks, I'm sure you understand. Last week of Feb my father died of an EVIL disease called cancer. Over the past 10 years I have lost 4 very special parental figures to cancer... prostate, lung and colon cancer.

It was only until I found out my father had cancer that I took my families eating habits and health into consideration. I watched my mother juice in attempt to give her sickened body what it needed but it was a little too late. Looking back they smoked, drank, ate all the processed foods, hardly exercised, and wanted to eat what they wanted. What if they had juiced regularly? ate a more plant based diet? ate whole grain? cut out at least 75% of the processed foods we see today on the shelves of supermarkets? Does genes have a major role in cancer? What about our surroundings? nucular plants, pest spraying, additives to almost everything, smog?

There are a lot of what ifs.

I came across this video a few weeks ago and it has stayed with me.

Global warming
Curable diseases
The list goes on and on.....

   If we are going to leave our children a place to call home we as a people must change the world, that change starts with you.

"Growing food is like growing your own money" -Ron Finley

Here are just a few things growing in the garden.

We harvested 4.9oz of lettuce! whoop whoop. 

We made this with it.

My husband finally got around to making me a potting table from the free pallets we got from someone on craigslist.

This is our bean hut.... yeah...... well we decided to just leave it up and next year build a tepee instead. We'll see how it looks this summer with all the different kind of beans.

In other garden news, we've decided that the bottom half of the left garden is unusable this year until we figure out this flooding issue. The hubster agreed to let me use the other side of the main garden (out of the fence) to grow the pumpkins and melons. I'm thinking EarthBoxes will be used for them all and DIY trellises.

This week in the garden world I'll be transplanting my pomegranate trees into the ground, building trellises and re potting the rest of my tomato plants then hardening them off.

What is going on in your garden?