
The Woman

Top of the morning to you!

I'm Kim and I live in Coastal Georgia with my clan of 4 male species, I'm kind of out numbered really. We bought a lovely baytown home on an acre in the summer of 2012, and to save money I plan on growing and sustaining a 3000+sq foot garden in hopes of growing over 1500lbs of food that I can barter with friends and neighbors.

Having a special needs child I've grown to appreciate organics and special diets, with that I'm on a mission to find and create healthy & tasty bakery items that are also made from locally grown when able products. That inspiration has also pointed our business in a new direction... More on that in the upcoming months of 2013.

My non-mega millionaire inspiration blogger buddy is this lady right here

 This kooky lady is Mavis who has inspired me to push our budget boundaries and get me back into the garden.

So I'm a busy wife, mom of 3, budding entrepreneur, gardener, couponer, Martha Stewart idolizer, really just a woman who likes a lot of things.

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