
Friday, December 31, 2010

Before the year is over

I know it's been a little while since my last post {slaps hand} With life getting crazier and crazier during the holidays, I'm surprised that I even took pictures. This is going to be more of a Photo Blog this time because my old ass of 26 years old has thrown out my back and sitting up hurts more than you can imagine.

This year 2011 will be a fantastic year full of non back throwing, pictures, growing and loving.
 On our search of the perfect present at Target.

 Anyone and Everyone that knows me, will attest to my Grand fear of DOLLS....I had to travel down the 'girl' isle FULL of different dolls, talking dolls, pooping dolls, laughing dolls, crying dolls, MOVING dolls....DOLLS!!!
 This was the most favored toy this year.
 My very first Quilt... I will post more pictures later on my adventure of QUILTING.

Have a Safe and wonderful New Year ya'll and I will write you next year ;)

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