
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week 1 of '24 days to Christmas'

I know I know I know, I'm a slacker. I've been trying to keep myself busy with projects, that I have over whelmed myself {insert eye rolling} and have not posted as much as I would like. Here are a few ....of my favorite wait this is not a musical... here are a few things we've done this first week.

 This strapping young lad is Kayden*, he is part of our 'tattoo project'
 Oh how it wouldn't be Christmas with out COOKIES!!! these delicious ones are Ginger Crinkles.
 What can I say? In our family we have 'Tid-Bits', something blood is shed over for... Our family loves this every Christmas and although I am far from my family, I try to keep the tradition alive. One more thing, if you DARE call them trail mix, you will be hunted down and killed.....

I also mailed out the Christmas cards (I still have a few to mail out) and the Christmas packages

We've been working on our Advent list this whole week and unfortunately I have not taken many pictures this week {smacks hand} I will do better :-)

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