
Monday, June 18, 2012

Other ways to save.

So you like the idea of saving money and you coupon here & there but do not have the time or patience to sit and clip.. I hear ya!! Anyway you slice it, saving your family money takes dedication and time. I'll give you some tips and hints to help you save money on your family grocery bill.

Shop to stock up don't shop just for the week.  I've done it, you've done it and your momma has done it; Shopped weekly based on meals you've already planned. You got your sunday paper, you've clipped all your coupons you want to use, list in hand you head to the store. Chances are you've spent and easy $150+ on that trip for about a weeks worth of food. Taking your cart full of things that will be gone in one week you feel like the store screwed you some how... I've been there.

You're going to start shopping from the circular. You will find the best SALE prices for the item and match it to a coupon in order to score the lowest price. When the price is about 75% off after coupon then you want to stock up. Buy about 4-6 of that item to last you until the next sale cycle.  Keeping this in mind will help further stretch your dollar.

Just because you have a coupon doesn't mean you should use it right away. Know when to wait and use it.. Stack your coupons for those super deals.

Stay organized or this will not work.  All the clipping in the world wont help you unless you are organized. There is the baseball card method (which most all newbies use), the filing method (the method I use) and the no clip method . Which ever method you choose to use, organize weekly.

Shop local and help your community.  With many of us wanting better quality foods on a low budget, joining a food co-op like Bountiful Baskets or visiting a local farmers market might be the key to your families budget and health. Not only will you get better quality and quantity of food but you will stimulate your communities economy and support small business owners. I encourage you to find a local food co-op in your area and join, it will be one of the best things you can do.  Many Co-op offer organic baskets, Grain baskets as well as 'specialized' baskets, check it out.

Buy in bulk but not from those 'bulk stores'  Places like Zaycon Foods offer large quantity of meats for low prices. I personal ONLY get my chicken from them but they also sell bacon, salmon, ground beef, fruits and more.  Those other 'bulk stores' tend to have the same market rate price as your grocery store but in bigger prices (It tends to make you think you're saving when you are not). If you can't wait for a Zaycon event then watch your circular ads for low prices on meats and stock up then. Always check unit prices.

When in doubt Grow Your Own. One of the newest and fast growing trend is Homesteading . With people losing their jobs, food recalls, FDA findings of chemicals being put in our foods many people have had enough of it. Going back to our 'roots' is not for every one but you can grow your own veggies and fruit right from your backyard. If space is an issue you can always try "square foot gardening" to utilize your space. Growing your own veggies and fruit give those who prefer organics a better $$ option. Plus who doesn't like to eat from the fruits of their labor?!

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