
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Garden collection GIVEAWAY!!

I know many of you are starting your summer garden and what is better than free stuff?! We had planned on growing several plants of each type of pumpkin and melon but the area will not be ready for planting until next year. I will only be able to plant 1-2 per type in an Earthbox and will have extra seeds (major sad face) but I'm sure we'll be able to plant in the pumpkin patch next year.

Let's start the summer garden growing off right. One lucky person will get either Botanical Interests Southern Cooking Seed Collection or Baby Vegetable Seed Collection . All you have to do is comment below with your name and which one you want to win. Deadline for the giveaway is April 12th at midnight (EST).

Here is what is included in the Southern collection:

Bean Bush Baby Lima Henderson's Organic (15 grams)
Bean Southern Cowpea California Blackeye #5 (25 grams)
Collards Georgia Southern (6 grams)
Mustard Southern Giant Curled (5 grams)
Okra Clemson Spineless 80 (5 grams)
Turnip Purple Top White Globe (8 Grams)
Watermelon Crimson Sweet (2 Grams)

Here is what is included in the Baby Veg collection:

Bean Bush Tavera Organic (18 Grams)
Beet Early Wonder Organic (2 Grams)
Carrot Baby Little Finger (1.5 Grams) 
Cucumber Homemade Pickles (1.50 Grams)
Lettuce Mesclun Gourmet Baby Greens Organic (1 Gram) 
Radish Easter Egg Blend (4 Grams) 
Squash Summer Baby Round Zucchini (3 Grams)

Happy gardening! 

*Entering more than once will disqualify you*


  1. Ana Vinuela, baby veggie

  2. Sorry to hear your whole garden area will not be ready in time. I would like the Baby Veg. The Easter Egg blend of radishes looks fun. Good luck on the garden you do get to plant this year.

  3. Ida Del Duco.... baby veggie collection

  4. BabyIda Del Duco.... baby veggie collection

  5. Sara Pilato.... southern collection

  6. Thank you for this opportunity. I would like the Southern Collection for this Georgia Girl.

  7. Brittany Tollefson
    Would love the baby Veg! I know my son would love all those mashed in his little togo pouches.

    Sorry about your garden. In the same boat LOL
