
Friday, December 31, 2010

Before the year is over

I know it's been a little while since my last post {slaps hand} With life getting crazier and crazier during the holidays, I'm surprised that I even took pictures. This is going to be more of a Photo Blog this time because my old ass of 26 years old has thrown out my back and sitting up hurts more than you can imagine.

This year 2011 will be a fantastic year full of non back throwing, pictures, growing and loving.
 On our search of the perfect present at Target.

 Anyone and Everyone that knows me, will attest to my Grand fear of DOLLS....I had to travel down the 'girl' isle FULL of different dolls, talking dolls, pooping dolls, laughing dolls, crying dolls, MOVING dolls....DOLLS!!!
 This was the most favored toy this year.
 My very first Quilt... I will post more pictures later on my adventure of QUILTING.

Have a Safe and wonderful New Year ya'll and I will write you next year ;)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vintage Pinup- LadySunshine Style

Model: Debi
MUA: LadySunshine
Meet the Lovely Debi, she is a woman with an open heart, always smiling...just plain fun to be around and a mother of two wonderful boys. Debi was looking to get some vintage photos done before the holidays, how could I pass that up?! We had a blast shooting, its amazing how fast the time goes by when your having fun in a session.
I look forward to doing more shoots like this, if you are interested in a Pinup shoot you can get a hold of me at or my Facebook page

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holiday Pin up Fun

I had the great opportunity to shoot with Hanah Reed from The Rockit Roost in Silverdale, Washington this week. What can I say about this woman? Hanah and Chuck have the most beautiful generous pair of hearts that I have met in a long time. They opened their store a little over a year ago in a small center in Silverdale and just to quote part of what she says " Being a single mother of two children, that seemed like a crazy dream without a money tree growing in the backyard. I am someone who loves a challenge and believes that with God all things are possible. I decided to go after my dreams full force. Being inspired by my faith, my father's legacy, and a determination that never seems to hear the word, "no". I went for it! " 
That was one of the things that caught my eye about Rockit Roost a year ago besides the Pin up culture.

Hanah started Desmona Lively Photography in her shop and it has taken off!! This past week I went in for a holiday shoot and was surprised at how fun and comfortable the shoot was, I am used to male photographers who have been very professional but I would advice anyone to try out a female photographer. Here is one of the pictures that were taken that day

Go check out The Rockit Roost and Desmona Lively Photography and set up a shoot, and don't forget to say " LadySunshine sent me"

I take inspiration from her and hope I will be successful in life and photography as well.. *wink* if your looking for a photographer, let me know *wink*

Week 1 of '24 days to Christmas'

I know I know I know, I'm a slacker. I've been trying to keep myself busy with projects, that I have over whelmed myself {insert eye rolling} and have not posted as much as I would like. Here are a few ....of my favorite wait this is not a musical... here are a few things we've done this first week.

 This strapping young lad is Kayden*, he is part of our 'tattoo project'
 Oh how it wouldn't be Christmas with out COOKIES!!! these delicious ones are Ginger Crinkles.
 What can I say? In our family we have 'Tid-Bits', something blood is shed over for... Our family loves this every Christmas and although I am far from my family, I try to keep the tradition alive. One more thing, if you DARE call them trail mix, you will be hunted down and killed.....

I also mailed out the Christmas cards (I still have a few to mail out) and the Christmas packages

We've been working on our Advent list this whole week and unfortunately I have not taken many pictures this week {smacks hand} I will do better :-)

Ginger Crinkles

(sorry for the lack of pictures, I'm horrible I know)


1 Cup Sugar
3/4 Cup Butter (room temp)
1/4 Cup Molasses
1 Egg
2 Cups all- purpose Flour
1 Tbs Ground Ginger
2 Tsp Baking Soda
1 Tsp Ground Cinnimon
1/4 Tsp Ground Cloves
1/4 Tsp Salt
3 Tbs Sugar or Raw Sugar

1) Heat oven to 375. in large bowl, beat 1 cup sugar and butter until its soft and 'fluffy'. Beat in molasses and egg. Stir in remaining ingredients EXCEPT the 3 Tbs sugar until well blended.

2) In small bow, place 3 Tbs sugar. use 1 inch cookie scoop or "tablespoon" and roll into ball; roll in sugar. Place cookies 1-2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet.

3) Bake 6-8 minutes (I baked mine for 6 mins TOPS, (this made it more soft and chewy) Remove from sheet and place on cooling rack..

My boys LOVED these cookies and were devoured in hours!!

For those that may want to know about calories and the the math yourself,ha! NO NO NO I've got the info for you:
Calories for EACH cookie are 100, 4G fat, 15mg cholesterol, 115mg sodium.

Tattoo really, its Fun!!

As an ongoing project I've decided to explore the fun and expressive way of tattoos FAKE tattoos that is. My boys LOVE fake tattoo, partly our fault, my husband and I combined have over 13. I wanted to express the child's personality with each photo. Here are our starter pictures for the set.