
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Not my kind of Legs

Heirloom Tomatoes

 Reaching for light.... Not a good sign (sad face).
Swiss Chard

I bought (4) 24 inch aquarium/ plant lights the other week after a couple trips to HD and Lowes to find 24 inch shoplights... no such luck if you are wanting to get ones that already come with plugins otherwise you'll have to do a little electrical work to get them right.

It seemed like all these seedlings popped up over night and were leggy off the start. I plan on going back to Lowes to get two 48" shoplights along with daylight and sunlight lightbulbs in hopes that it will save some of these seedlings. The other option is to plant them straight outside and cover them up to their start leaves so they can grow a strong root system.

What do you think I should do? any luck on saving leggy seedlings?

I currently have an osculating fan blowing for a couple hours to get some air flow to help them along and with new shoplights, our next batch should do better. Anyone know of a stronger T8 light bulb that fits a small light unit?


  1. My husband sets the grow lights closer to the seedlings so they won't get leggy. He had them too far up one year, and the seedlings got leggy just like yours.

  2. I thought I should add that he uses the 48" shoplights, not the side mounted lights. -Peggy
