
Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 3 Garden tour

Welcome to our little garden tour. There is not much going on right now but our seedlings are starting to flourish. Since taking these pictures all the seedlings have grown more true leaves and it's leaving me to think that I should plant them outside soon. 

We've got eggplants, leeks, 5 different kind of tomatoes, the kids little gardens, hot peppers, bell peppers, luffas, onions, cabbage, swiss chard, raspberry bushes and flowers like bee balm and statice so far. We've got Lavender and Echinacea stratifying in the frig. 

We've made some headway on the fencing for the garden area too. The hubster has been busy chopping and cementing the "posts" into the ground, Hopefully by next month it will be all up.

I'm hoping to get the grapes and Blueberries planted in the far left garden and work on getting my bean and pea trellises up and going. I'm thinking of getting some burlap and attaching it to the bottom part of the beds so Mr. bunny does nibble my lettuce I have growing.

What is going on in your garden?

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