
Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 3- Grocery, Couponing and Gardening budget

This past Sunday there was (1) SS insert. If you missed getting to your news stand for some papers you can order inserts from Insert Insanity.  I highly recommend them!

This week was my real grocery shopping, I buy 50/50 in veggies and fruits and plan my meals around what I buy. I take examples from Bountiful Baskets and buy the same things they put in their baskets. Doing it that way I find we eat more things we wouldn't normally buy and learned that we kinda love leeks.

I went shopping at Publix and the Commi a few days ago and loaded up on the next 2 weeks worth of veggies and fruits.... Although we are already out of bananas and low on milk so I might have to go back out and get some mid/late week.

Publix:  $25.96
Commi: $59.66 if you count in the typical 30% savings just by shopping at the commissary plus the coupon savings, I saved 78% this week.

Since I don't count personal products and household products in my grocery budget I excluded these but the total paid after coupons were $2.92

Week 3
Couponing: $19.33
Grocery: $69.95
Savings: $119.44

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